Top 5 Do’s And Don’ts In Road Accidents

Top 5 Do's And Don'ts In Road Accidents

To Begin, Let’s Look At Don’t’s:

  1. Refrain From Fleeing Or Leaving The Scene Quickly

Never – and we repeat, NEVER – run away from an accident scene, no matter how minor it may be. What’s worse is that you may be allowing victims to perish who could be saved. If you run, you’ll undoubtedly face hit-and-run charges. This could lead to incarceration.

  1. Remain Calm

Yes, the situation is grave. However, you can only attempt to assist others if you maintain composure and clear thinking.

  1. Don’ts For Physical Injury
  • Don’t Remove Stabbed Object: Removing the stabbed object will worsen the bleeding. The only thing preventing the blood from flowing is the object. It is ideal to let a medical expert handle this situation.
  • Don’t Try To Move An Injured Person’s Neck: In a severe accident, you can tell if someone has suffered a spinal injury by looking at their neck. Do not attempt to move that person if it is at an unnatural angle.
  • Don’t Feed Food Or Liquids To The Injured: It is ideal to avoid feeding a person at the scene of an accident because it would be difficult to determine the severity of their injuries. Due to jaw injuries, they risk getting choked or becoming unable to chew food.
  1. Don’t Hold Anyone Responsible For The Mishap

The accident may leave you with damages and injuries. Blaming the other person, however, will only exacerbate the anxiety that the accident has already brought about.

  1. Refuse To Accept A Settlement In The Absence Of An Insurance Representative

The third-party may offer affordable settlements if it is obvious that you were not at fault for the accident. This defeats the point of car insurance.

 Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under the car insurance policy.

Following A Car Accident, One Should Do The Following:

  1. Examine Your Wounds

Try to check yourself for additional injuries as soon as you feel okay. Move your arms and legs to look for any areas that might be injured since not all wounds will necessarily bleed.

  1. Attempt To Stop The Bleeding

If you see a bleeding wound, try to stop the bleeding by tying a cloth an inch above the wound. It will also help to directly press a piece of fabric on top of the damage. Instead of applying pressure with your fingers, use your palm.

  1. Request Assistance

Make three calls. Medical assistance should be sought first. The police are contacted again to report the accident, and the car insurance helpline is approached in order three.

  1. Take Photos Of The Scene

Start taking pictures of the scene as soon as you know that no one requires immediate medical attention. These will be useful later in a police investigation or comprehensive car insurance claim. It will help in determining the right car insurance coverage.

A third-party insurance policy typically includes a Personal Accident (PA) cover. Personal accident cover for owner-driver is required and available for a small fee. You must understand all aspects of what is a CPA cover in car insurance. Therefore, if you are hurt in an accident, the insurance company will pay you a set amount as compensation. *

 Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under the car insurance policy.

* Standard T&C Apply

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.